Obtaining your Single-Engine Private Pilot Rating
Welcome to Cut and Snip Flyers based out of the Ogden Airport.
Ogden is an Air Traffic controlled tower operated airport, 25 miles North of Salt Lake City.
You will be conducting your training in a Cessna C172 aircraft. The aircraft is maintained in accordance with Federal regulations and has frequent 100 hour inspections.
Prior to solo flight you will need to obtain a FAA Flight physical examination from local examiner. Your instructor will need to see evidence of USA Citizenship or legal residency, or obtain approval from TSA (Transportation Security Administration) to conduct flight training in USA. You will walk through with your instructor to obtain a student pilot certificate, which must be in your possession before solo, along with logbook, medical certificate and State registered picture identification.
The minimum essential Aeronautical experience, as required by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) under FAA Pt. 61.109 are as follows
40 Hours Flight time. 20 hours from an authorized instructor, 10 hors solo flight-
Training must must include at least-
(1) 3 hours cross-country flight training in single-engine airplane.
(2) 3 hours night flight training in single engine airplane
(3) 3 hours of training in single-engine airplane flight training with sole reference to instruments.
(4) 3 hours of flight training by authorized instructor in preparation for practical test, in the preceding 2 calendar months from the month of the test.
(5) 10 hours solo flight training in single-engine airplane, to include
(i) 5 hours solo cross country time.
(ii) One solo cross country flight of 150 nautical miles, with full stop landings at three points, one segment consisting of a straight-line distance of more than 50 nautical miles between takeoff and landing locations.
(iii) Three takeoffs and landing to a full stop (with each landing involving flight in the traffic pattern) at and airport with operating control tower (Ogden).
During your training you will be required to take a written test examination conducted at local testing center. Also a pre-solo written test, conducted by your instructor. At the end of your training, you will take both an oral and practical test, conducted by independent FAA Designated Examiner.
What should you expect from your flight training
Prior to each flight you flight instructor will give you a summary of your lesson, explain what you will be doing, summarize completion standards and answer any questions you may have. Initially as a student the instructor will demonstrate preflight on the aircraft and discuss preflight considerations. Demonstration of the walk-around and basic operational safety. From the first day we will be teaching the use of checklist, demonstrate how to start the engine, taxi to a run-up area and conduct a systems check on the aircraft. A flight will follow to the practice area, where the instructor will point out some local landmarks.
The instructor will demonstrate the four fundamentals of flight instruction, Straight and Level flight, Turns, Climbs and Descents. From your first lesson you will be hands on with the aircraft. You will taught the use of primary and secondary flight controls on aircraft. At the completion of the lesson you will return to home base of the aircraft with instructor demonstrating a landing. You will then taxi back to parking area, shut down aircraft and secure aircraft.
The Instructor will then debrief you on flight, provide you with homework and discuss study materials, record your flight and ground training in your pilot’s logbook.
Your second lesson will reinforce what you have completed on your primary lesson, adding in elements of FAR 61.107 (b) as you progress. On completion of your course syllabus you will be trained in all elements of safely operating the aircraft, detailed as follows-
(1) For an airplane category rating with a single-engine class rating:
(i) Preflight preparation;
(ii) Preflight procedures;
(iii)Airport and seaplane base operations;
(iv) Takeoffs, landings, and go-arounds;
(v) Performance maneuvers;
(vi) Ground reference maneuvers;
(vii) Navigation;
(viii) Slow flight and stalls;
(ix) Basic instrument maneuvers;
(x) Emergency operations;
(xi)Night operations; and
(xii) Post-flight procedures.
Your first goal you will work towards with your instructor will be solo flight. Students typically attain solo10-20 hours. It is better to fly at least twice a week so as not to forget what you have learned in previous lessons. Your instructor will have you prepared for solo flight and you will be prepared for this achievement by the time the instructor steps out of the aircraft.
Following solo, your instructor will then introduce you to night takeoffs and landings. A night lesson will expose you to night illusions and develop further your landing skills. Your instructor will then send you off solo to the practice area to develop your comfort level in the aircraft, possibly to another airport and practice landings.
We will then start work on cross country flight planning and conduct a cross-country flight to other airports. Your first cross-country lesson will be extensive lesson, learning how to complete flight log, file a flight plan and fly the flight plan, utilizing dead reckoning, pilotage and radio navigation. There will be stops at each airport and preplanning each leg.
There will be further refresher of all private pilot maneuvers with introduction of short and soft field landings at this point in your training. Now you know how to land we are now going to increase the finesse and accuracy of your flying skills.
The solo cross-country will follow. Your instructor will assign you a cross-country. You will be expected to plan and fly the cross-country and your instructor will review your cross-country prior to flight and address any concerns. Your flight instructor should be able to answer all your questions and concerns, even if a problem arises away from your home base.
Following this cross-country , you will perform a night cross-country with your flight instructor to airport at least 50 nautical miles from port of departure. This cross-country we will incorporate electronic flight planning and filing of the flight plan. Weather permitting, you will make a flight to Provo with a stop in Salt Lake City, exposing you to the heavier traffic environment, entering the Class Bravo airspace and associated procedures with that airspace. A landing at Salt Lake will take place, exit the movement area and obtain a clearance to depart the airport and return to Ogden.
Once dual cross country instruction complete, you will now complete a solo cross-country to different airports and fulfill solo time requirement for this task.
Somewhere early in your training your should complete your written test. The knowledge in your written test will enhance your knowledge required through your training regime and should be started as early as possible in your flight training. It is self paced learning, but your instructor will be a able to explain details or concerns along the way.
Once your cross-country requirements are met, you will start preparing for the Private Pilot Practical test. The test is clearly defined in the Airman Certification Standards, available free of charge from FAA. Gov website. The “check ride” will consist of you planning a cross-country flight then executing the cross-country. Once you demonstrate the cross-country with a possible diversion the examiner will review all flight maneuvers and emergency procedures, evaluate your handling of aircraft, decision-making judgement. You will be prepared by your instructor when you take the flight check. The examiner is professional and courteous and wants to evaluate what you have learned. The flight will conclude with no doubt to outcome of safety of flight.
As for cost, a student should plan on spending at least 45 hours with your instructor ($60 hour), some flight, some ground instruction. You should also plan on renting aircraft around 45 hours ($180 hour). Everyone learns at different speeds, so it may take a little longer or closer to 40 hours depending on how often you fly each week. The more you immerse yourself in study of this activity, the quicker you complete the course.
Approximate Cost Summary (December, 2021)
Aircraft 45 x $180* $8100
Instructor 60 x $60 $3600
Flight Physical $110
FAA Written test $150
Books, logbook, charts, plotter, E6B $200
Insurance (Liability and Hull damage). $400
Airport security badge $65
DPE check ride $700
Total $11,750 to $14,500 depending on hours taken and planes flown.
* Fuel is included in rate. However, if fuel purchased away from home base your will only be reimbursed to local fuel rate.
Beyond the Private Pilot Certificate we encourage students to participate in the WINGS program to further your aviation education. You may also want to enhance your flying with and Instrument rating, Commercial Certificate and become a Flight Instructor. We can also help you attain these ratings.
Finally, fly safe and have fun!